Common Causes of Clogged Drains

woman plunging a sinkAs many homeowners can attest, clogged drains are just a fact of life. From kitchen sinks to toilets and showers, drains can become clogged and prevent water from draining properly. Sometimes it is a result of faulty pipes, while other times it is the result of putting things down the drain that don’t belong in there.

Here are some of the common causes of clogged drains and how to avoid them.

Grease & Fat

If you wash dishes and cookware in the kitchen sink, chances are you could be washing down a lot of grease and fat. When these substances stick to the inside of pipes, they can eventually build up so much that it’s very hard for any liquid to pass through. Be careful when washing dishes and try to empty fat and grease in the trash before hitting the sink.


We lose our hair every day – some people more than others – and the shower is often the main site for hair to slide down the drain. When this happens, your drain will eventually spit back water because it can’t drain properly. If the blockage is not cleared quickly, the accumulation of hair may cause back-ups so severe your sink or tub will flood. Devices that catch hair and allow water to pass are recommended to prevent this problem.

Hygiene Products

Feminine products, dental floss, cotton swabs and other toiletries are often tossed in the toilet without regard for the potential consequences. While some of the products might be labeled “flushable,” they often are not. Flushing anything other than bathroom tissue down the drain is inviting a clog that could create a pool of water on your bathroom floor. Refrain from throwing  hygiene products in the toilet to avoid the subsequent mess!

If you are experiencing problems with the drainage from sinks and toilets, call us for expert drain clearing today.