Energy-Saving Tips for Fall

woman adjusting her thermostatWe often hear “it’s the little changes that make the biggest difference.” This mantra can be applied to almost anything, including your energy bills! Everyone would like to save more money, but sometimes it can be difficult. When it comes to your HVAC and plumbing costs, the minor adjustments will help you save big in the long run. We offer six quick tips to try this fall.

1. Let There Be Light

Natural sunlight can provide just the right amount of heat needed to warm your house on a cool autumn day. Open the curtains, crack the windows and enjoy the warmth of the sun.

2. Seal It Up

Drafty windows and doors that cause air leaks should be sealed up before winter. Even with the heat on, you may feel yourself getting goosebumps from a cold draft of outdoor air.

3. How Low Can You Go?

When you’re not at home, lower the thermostat by 10 to 15 degrees. At bedtime, you can also lower the temperature to as low as comfortable. You’ll save about 10 percent a year!

4. Fully Loaded

Avoid running the dishwasher until there’s no room left for another plate, glass or utensil. Hand wash and dry any items that you can, but don’t leave the water on while you scrub!

5. Spread Holiday Cheer

If you enjoy decorating your house for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas, consider LED bulbs for string lighting and other illuminated decorations to reduce your electricity bill.

6. Request Service

Finally, your heating and cooling systems should be properly maintained by an HVAC professional to ensure they continue to run efficiently. In the meantime, you can clean the filters about once a month.

M.J. Fahy & Sons has been in business for over 100 years. To learn more about our expertise in HVAC and plumbing services, contact us today.