5 Tips to Improve Indoor Air Quality for Fall

woman sneezingMany New England families are used to running the air conditioner non-stop during the Dog Days of Summer. As this season of hot, humid weather comes to an end and we transition to autumn temperatures, it’s important to think about the indoor air quality (IAQ) in your home.

Indoor air quality describes how inside air can impact our health and comfort. After months of keeping the windows closed, the rooms in your home may contain dust and other allergens that can compromise your health.

What can you do to improve IAQ in time for fall weather?

Let Fresh Air Inside

As temperatures begin to cool off, open the windows and doors to air out your living spaces. Fall brings some beautiful, mild temperatures that are comfortable for sleeping, so turn the A/C off when the autumn breeze arrives.

Clean Every Week

Dusting is one of the most dreaded household chores because you have to move items off tables and shelves to clean the surfaces below. However, when allergens build up over time, you can experience sneezing, itchy eyes, runny nose or asthma attacks.

Other areas of the home to pay attention to include carpets, bedding, drapery and furniture. Everything should be washed or vacuumed weekly to reduce the accumulation of dust and other particles.

Use Ventilation Fans

Does your kitchen, bathroom or hallway have a ventilation fan? Use these fans to:

  • Promote fresh air flow
  • Lower the concentration of indoor air pollutants
  • Remove excess moisture that increases humidity

In your home, the relative humidity should not increase 50 percent. When it does, you invite stuffy conditions, mold growth and an overall feeling of discomfort into your living areas.

Test CO Levels

Carbon monoxide is an invisible gas that can kill humans and pets. Many newer homes come equipped with smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to alert you when it’s unsafe to be in the home. If you have a CO detector or need to install one, make sure to check that it works at least once per month. Good indoor air quality involves more than keeping dust particles away!

Change Air Filters

Between air conditioning and heating, our HVAC systems work hard year-round to keep us comfortable. Whether you have ductwork or a series of ductless units, it’s important to clean or change the air filters monthly. The most effective filters should trap at least 85 percent of large airborne particles.
Prepare your HVAC system for cold weather with help from the experts at M.J. Fahy & Sons. To schedule a fall maintenance appointment, contact us today!