How to Save Money on Heating Bills

heating system inspection With fall and winter fast approaching, homeowners will soon start to think about saving money on heating bills. Keeping a house warm costs money, but efficiency is the key to lower energy bills. No one wants to endure a freezing winter without heat, but efficient use of your system can make a big difference. With these tips, you can stay warm without spending a fortune.

Lower Thermostat Settings

Did you know you can save up to three percent on heating costs per degree lowered over a 24-hour period? During the day, you may keep your thermostat at 68 degrees Fahrenheit but can experience significant savings overnight by lowering it to 55 degrees – as much as 13 percent!

Stay warm without having to turn up the heat with cozy comforters, pajamas, sweaters and thermal layers.

Keep Vents & Radiators Clear

You might be surprised to learn how often vents and radiators are blocked by furniture and rugs. This placement stifles and wastes the warm air coming in, preventing it from reaching the rooms in your home. With free air flow, you put less stress on your furnace and create a much safer environment – furniture and rugs near heat sources can also be a fire hazard.

Check Your Windows

It’s estimated that 10 to 25 percent of a home’s heat loss is due to windows. You can reduce this loss by opening curtains and shades on south-facing windows during daylight hours to allow the sun’s heat to warm rooms. At night, keep curtains and blinds closed to insulate your home and keep the stored heat inside. Also make sure your windows are sealed tight and not drafty.
To reduce costs and keep your heating system functioning efficiently, schedule an HVAC inspection with M.J. Fahy & Sons today!