My Pipes Burst: What Should I Do?

frozen pipeNothing ruins a cozy winter day quite like burst pipes. Many people will experience this problem at some point during homeownership, so it’s important to know how to react.

Your first step should always be to call a plumbing company for immediate service. Before the professionals arrive, there are several actions you can take to reduce water damage and help prevent future leaks.

Turn Off Source

The first thing you should do is turn off the water main. Shutting off your water supply greatly reduces the amount of water flowing into the pipes and into your home. It’s also a good idea to turn off the electricity, just in case the burst occurred near any electrical outlets.

Turn on Faucets

Once you have shut off the main water supply, the next step is to open the faucets to relieve any remaining pressure in the pipes. Be sure to run the cold water tap on all the faucets and flush every toilet once. Next, shut off the water heater and run the hot water through all faucets to empty the drains.

Clean Up Floors

If you’re able to find where the pipe burst occurred, start cleaning up. Water leaks can cause extensive damage to a home, including mold and mildew. The sooner you dry the affected area, the better. Use a mop, towels and, if you have one, a water pump to clean up the leak. You can also run a dehumidifier near the affected area to help dry it out.

Take Pictures

To file an insurance claim for water damage, you’ll need evidence of the leak. Take pictures of the burst pipe and any resulting water damage to provide the insurance company.
To further prevent burst pipes, work with M.J. Fahy & Sons to ensure your plumbing is in good working condition. To schedule a home inspection, contact us today!