How Can Your Business Avoid Burst Pipes?

industrial pipes for commercial building During the chilly winter months in Connecticut, pipes are very likely to freeze and burst if not properly treated. If you’re a business owner, the last thing you need to deal with is the mess and expense of a pipe burst. What do you need to know to avoid this crisis from happening in your commercial building?

Common Areas for Frozen Pipes

How do pipes freeze in the first place? When water freezes, it expands; no matter how strong the pipe material is, pressure from this expansion can cause frozen pipes to burst. Whenever pipes are exposed to the outdoors, there is the chance to freeze in New England temperatures. UL-approved materials like heat tape or pipe sleeves can lessen the exposure to winter weather conditions. Indoor areas that are unheated or lack insulation can also be dangerous for exposed piping.

Steps to Prevent Frozen Pipes

Depending on the type of business you operate, the following measures can be taken to avoid frozen and burst pipes from throwing a wrench into your work day:

  • Move hoses indoors after proper draining and close the inside water valve.
  • If your water pipes are in an isolated area that does not receive much heat, insulate them with UL-listed materials.
  • Allow warm air to circulate around plumbing that is closed off (i.e. below cabinets).
  • When the outside temperatures are frigid, allow the faucets to drip a small amount of water. Especially over the weekend, this prevents unused pipes from freezing up.
  • If you’re able to control the temperature in your commercial building via thermostat, avoid turning it down too low because the outdoor winter temperatures are often below freezing in the morning.

To protect your business from burst pipes, contact M.J. Fahy & Sons today. Our experienced plumbing technicians will inspect the condition of your pipes before winter weather arrives!