How to Prepare Your A/C for Warm Weather

cleaning air conditionerSpring is the time of year to thoroughly inspect your air conditioning system for debris and dirt to make sure it’s ready to optimally perform. Considering its lifespan and multiple components, you’re also advised to schedule professional maintenance and have repairs made early on in the season.

Going through the following checklist for spring can help lessen system wear, overheating risks and lengthen the lifespan of your air conditioner. Here’s how you can get started.

Do Your Own Inspection

To address easy fixes on your own, perform a rudimentary start-of-season inspection:

  • Check under the cover if you have an outdoor air conditioning system. Debris and sticks can get stuck and damage internal components if not removed.
  • Go over the outside coils for dirt. Consider washing it with a low-pressure water source.
  • Check the air filters. Especially if you didn’t change this component back in the fall, collected debris may be clogging the filter, reducing its efficiency and air circulation. This aspect drives up energy costs and places greater wear on your system.
  • Examine plant growth near your outdoor unit. Keep grass, shrubs and other plants at least 18 inches away from your outdoor fixture.

These maintenance tasks simply kick off the season. To ensure long-term use of your air conditioner, continue to check the filter every month to remove dust and debris buildup or replace it with a clean one. Also check the condenser unit for any debris that may be blocking airflow.

Prepare Your Air Conditioning System

After a preliminary inspection, prepare your HVAC system to maximize air conditioner performance:

  • Clear the ducts of any debris that has accumulated. You may need to vacuum or brush away lingering dirt and pet hair.
  • Do a final inspection of your furnace before shutting it off electronically for the season.
  • Replace the HVAC filter to improve the system’s energy efficiency.
  • Make sure the electrical panel has the fuse for the air conditioner set to “on.” If this hasn’t been switched yet, the A/C may not turn on.
  • Turn off the humidifier and close the damper to conserve cool air.
  • Go through your house to check windows and doors for air leaks and seal any you find. Doing this helps conserve cool air and prevents warm outdoor air from entering your home.
  • Check the area around the indoor unit to remove any debris or dust that could cause a clog.

Schedule Spring Maintenance

Get off to a reliable, efficient start by having a technician check and recommend repairs for your air conditioning system. This may entail:

  • Inspecting motors and other parts for wear and damage.
  • Checking the refrigerant, including current levels and if any leaks are present. If identified, the leak will be repaired and the refrigerant topped off to the ideal level.
  • Lubricating moving parts.
  • Going through the ductwork to identify and seal any leaks.
  • Making sure the electrical control cycles correctly.
  • Checking the coils for buildup and proper heat exchange.
  • Examining the electrical system for damage and corrosion, sealing these components if necessary.
  • Flushing the condenser to prevent potential clogs.
  • Testing the airflow to ensure the system effectively and efficiently cools your home.

Modify Your Home

Inspections and preventative maintenance help your air conditioner consume less energy, operate more efficiently and last longer. To further improve its efficiency during the season, you’re recommended to:

  • Use your ceiling fans in conjunction with the air conditioning. This circulates cool air through your home and consumes less energy overall.
  • Use your shades during the afternoon to reduce the amount of heat entering your home. This lessens how hard the air conditioning system has to work.
  • Limit use of appliances when the air conditioner is running, as they can contribute to the heat perceived by the system.

Do you need to schedule an appointment for spring air conditioner maintenance? Contact the professionals at MJ Fahy & Sons to set up a time.