Preparing Your Office for Summer Heat

man fanning himself in a warm office If you live in Connecticut, you know how unpredictable the weather can be. From 60-degree days in December to sudden snowstorms at the end of March, the climate can change from one extreme to another within a few hours! If you’re a business owner, early spring is the ideal time to start preparing your office or warehouse for the impending summer heat.

Here are a few tips to help create a comfortable environment for more productive employees.

Check your HVAC System

Many business owners are preoccupied with other responsibilities and can forget the basic maintenance needs of the office building. Scheduling a professional service check of your HVAC system can make a big difference, especially when your air conditioner needs to work overtime. Routine filter changes, clean coils and system testing can ensure your AC is ready for the muggy heat of mid-summer.

Keep Out Light

Almost everyone enjoys sunshine, but when it’s hot and humid, that light coming in through the windows of your office can make conditions worse. Consider closing window blinds and curtains to keep the sun from adding degrees of heat to your office. Always remind employees when the air conditioning is on to not open windows, since this will defeat the purpose of having the A/C on. Conserving energy is important and it takes a team effort to make it work!

Power Down

If your office or warehouse runs a lot of computer systems and machinery, remember to power down those that are not in use. Heavy equipment and data banks can take up a lot of energy and produce heat, so if it is not imperative that these systems be on, take the time to unplug those electronics.

Provide Water

Dehydration can cause workers to be lethargic and can lead to serious illness. It is a smart and healthy idea to have filtered water coolers in your office so employees can stay hydrated on humid days and be more productive. A lack of access to cool water can cause poor morale in a workplace, so consider the cost-benefits of having regular deliveries of clean drinking water.

Contact our professionals to schedule HVAC maintenance in your office today!