Energy Saving Tips for Summer

woman opening a window in her home Finding comfort during Connecticut summers can be a challenge. Heat waves can come on suddenly and make conditions in your home very uncomfortable. Cranking the A/C will eventually lead to expensive utility bills that will also make you boil. When the humid heat arrives, it is important to be efficient with your energy so you get the cooling you need without paying too much.

Here are some tips to save energy during the summer.

Energy Audit

The first thing homeowners should do is conduct an energy audit. Also known as a home energy assessment, this task can help you understand your home’s energy use and where you can make changes. An audit will help you determine how much energy your home uses, where you may be losing energy and which problem areas should be addressed first. A professional home energy audit is highly recommended, as it will give you a complete breakdown of your home’s energy use.

Use your Windows

If you live in an area where the temperature cools off at night, it is recommended that you turn off your cooling system and open the windows. Some evenings may be too hot to turn the A/C off, but if the temperature cools enough, you can save on cooling costs by allowing outside air to cool off the rooms. Remember to close the windows and shut the blinds in the morning to capture the cool air. You may also want to install window coverings to prevent heat gain through your windows.

Be Efficient with the Thermostat

A major cause of high energy costs during the summer is the constant re-setting of the thermostat. If you have a large family and not everyone agrees on what temperature is comfortable, this can lead to several thermostat changes throughout the day.

Set your thermostat as high as comfortably possible in the summer. The smaller the difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures, the lower your cooling bill will be. When you are away, keep your home warmer than usual to avoid being charged for unused cool air.

Turn Off Power Sources

TVs, computers and other electronic devices draw power when they are in standby mode or turned off, but still plugged in. This can have a noticeable impact on your energy bills. Plug electronics into power strips and turn off the power switch when the devices are not in use.

Updating your air conditioning unit can also help you save more money on utility bills. Explore your energy-efficient options with MJ Fahy & Sons! Give us a call today at 203-574-4808.